Customer experience is our number 1 priority. Therefore, we ensure customers get the original products and the best possible prices.
We go out of our way to ensure the lowest prices for our products. Sometimes, you may find a product to be at a slightly higher price. This may be due to factors beyond our control e.g. shortage of product.Be reset assured, the slight premium that you would be paying, special case, is only to enable us to deliver on our promise of quality.
We have a pure Business-to-Consumer model and our ultimate goal is to help our users save money by not spending more than what they should when buying. To avoid fraud and abuse of our pricing policies, our users can buy a maximum of one phone per month. Through this, we aim to protect and benefit our users by avoiding bulk purchases by businesses.
We give value to our customer which is why we don’t just focus on making your shopping experience better but also the post-shopping experience. You can return or exchange a product within 3 days in following cases:
In order for the product to be eligible for this policy, it should comply with the following terms and conditions:
If the product complies with all the above mentioned conditions for return,kindly contact the customer care with photographic evidence within 3 days of receiving the parcel. The second thing you need to do is make sure you do not lose any packaging material that comes with it and all items in the box must be intact.
We deliver all over Pakistan.
Delivery time is dependent on the availability of the product and the city where you want it to be shipped. The products with the availability mentioned as “In Stock” are delivered within 24 hours of order confirmation (Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad). For other cities, delivery time is 2-3 business days.
We make every effort to deliver your order within 2-3 business days.
Please note that saifiacomputersis not liable for any shipping delays, or loss of any kind resulting from unforeseen and uncontrollable circumstances, such as: recipient was unavailable or un-contactable; incorrectly addressed orders; weather conditions and so on. We will try our best to notify customers of the delay and estimated delivery date in such situations.